May 3Liked by Kayla Cagan

There's so much Meisner in this poem! I'm obsessed with the layers upon layers within. So simple and yet there's Nothing in that drawer.

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I agree! And never even consciously thought that when reading it, but yeah, totally Meisner!!

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Apr 2Liked by Kayla Cagan

I'm also a poetry enthusiast, so I'm super excited about this newsletter. You have already surprised and delighted me.

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Yay for unbridled enthusiasm!!! Glad you liked the first poem drop.

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Apr 2Liked by Kayla Cagan

Fun! I always thought someone should start a poet church. A place to gather once a week and listen to poetry instead of sermons. This is in that spirit. This poem feels like the ongoing broken record in my brain as I wander through the house searching for lost or misplaced items (glasses, credit card, glasses, my other glasses, hair tie, keys, my favorite yellow scissors that my kids never return to the drawer,…. My glasses). 💕

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Why have we never talked about poet church?? I’ve thought of a similar thing! Also, I can almost see the yellow scissors you mention.

This poem feels like the last four+ years to me, and about repeating behaviors that aren’t helpful, and treadmills, and being stuck and becoming unstuck. It’s like a mantra, too. It’s so dense.

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